Reconnect To Your~SELF!

Using the science of mind-body connection AND neuroplasticity, the revolutionary trauma-conscious S.E.L.F. Method

(previously ONLY available to the Top 1% CEOs)

is now helping individuals debilitated by everyday life to finally regain control over their emotions, relationships, finances and work in as little as 6 weeks!

It's Time To Reconnect To Your~SELF!

Do you catch yourself wondering how the F…  did I get here?

Are you tired of feeling depressed, angry, and inadequate?

Have you spent countless hours and money processing and talking about your problems without seeing any real results? 

It's time to break free from the cycle and start living your life to the fullest.

It's Time To Reconnect To Your~SELF!

It kinda feels like you're?

😤 Constantly living in a state of frustration and feeling unappreciated and stretched too thin.

😫 Struggling to balance everything in life, which is leading to overwhelming feelings and impaired functioning.

😡 Starting to isolate yourself from your partner, friends, and family, often with a short fuse and difficulty expressing yourself.

😥 Continuously reliving a tragic moment, as if stuck on a hamster wheel, with a fresh wave of pain each time.

😞 Complete loss of confidence, avoiding loved ones, and feeling overwhelmed and incapable of solving even simple problems.

💔 Experiencing daily heartbreak caused by your own thoughts, which is negatively your affecting business, relationships, and mental health.

🤯 Surprised by the intensity of dark thoughts creeping into the mind, despite being typically a positive person.

🤢 Sick of working on yourself and only getting temporary relief - you need to make a permanent change cause living this way sucks.

😵 You feel like you've tried EVERYTHING and NOTHING seems to work... Why is everyone else rocking it without any struggle?

Which sounds ridiculous because…

You’re an intelligent individual and you ALWAYS know what to do!

AND yet the question sits…

But what the hell do I do? Where do I start?

You’ve got that nagging voice in the back of your mind…

It’s never worked before. It probably won’t work again.

I tried X (insert ALL the things you’ve tried) and I didn’t stick to it.


YOU just need the first step.

A Boost.

A person standing behind YOU, to tell YOU it will be ok, and to help YOU start the journey.

You need to feel like you’ve made some.. any kind of progress.

All change is cumulative.

You can’t make a huge change overnight.

It’s a bunch of small decisions.

Small choices.

Seemingly inconsequential decisions/choices that come together to create change.

So that you can…

Have increased confidence and emotional resilience

Wake up refreshed and excited each day 

Regained motivation and positive mindset

Enhanced self-worth and enjoyment of self

Improved ability to express thoughts and opinions honestly

Prioritize SELF~care and personal growth

It's Time To Reconnect To Your~SELF!

Don’t take my word for it!

Working with Candace has been an absolute game-changer for me. I was struggling with old limiting beliefs that kept holding me back from pursuing my dreams, and I felt like I was constantly self-sabotaging. Traditional therapy didn't address the deep-rooted issues in my subconscious, so I was hesitant to seek another coach. However, something about Candace's approach compelled me to take the leap, and I am so grateful that I did.

Candace's no-nonsense, mirror-to-your-face style of coaching was exactly what I needed. She "saw me" and understood me without judgment, which allowed me to open up and truly delve into my challenges. The tasks and exercises she gave me were incredibly effective and relevant, helping me release old hurts and anger that were holding me back for decades.

The moment I invested in her program, I felt a shift in my self-worth and confidence. The Effectiveness Checklist in the first week was like spring cleaning for my life, and the positive changes were noticeable to both me and my husband. Throughout our work together, I let go of limiting beliefs, set boundaries, found my voice, and stopped the cycle of guilt and shame from past hurts.

Since working with Candace, I have leveled up my life and gained so much self-confidence and joy. I even manifested new clients effortlessly, and I can't wait to see what happens when I actively promote my business. I'm embracing my worth, speaking up, and experiencing the amazing feeling of living life on my own terms.

Candace's guidance and healing experience have truly been life-changing for me, and I can't thank her enough for helping me break free from the chains of my past and step into a brighter, more empowered future.


Chicago, IL

Thank goodness for all the work I did with Candace, I can sit here and confidently identify I am worth SO much more than what is being thrown at me.


Ontario, Canada

Here's How It Works:

✔ Consists of 6x 2-3 hour sessions, weekly or bi-weekly (weekly recommended for better progress).

(Value: $7,200)

✔ Task-based, problem-oriented, and solution-focused approach.

(Value: $5,000)

✔ Allows clients to break through major obstacles or problems in their lives.

(Value: PRICELESS ~ no more throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping and praying it will stick)

✔ Each session has specific themes and techniques, tailored tasks and homework to meet client needs.

(Value: $6,000)

✔ Tasks designed to gather information, instil new behaviours, and develop new ways of thinking or strategies.


✔ Aims to identify and uproot hindering core beliefs, unresolved conflicts, and limiting behavioural strategies.

(Value: PRICELESS ~ no more wandering around trying everything without any lasting results.)

✔Targets specific problems causing turmoil in various life areas: Relationships, Career/Business, Health, Finances, etc.

(Value: PRICELESS ~ having a balanced lifestyle so you can live a fulfilled life!)

✔Common examples: Loss of a loved one, past trauma resurfacing, feeling stuck despite efforts, hitting rock bottom.

In short it's the piece of the puzzle that you've been missing and searching for!

Don’t Spend Another Minute Doing What's Not Working For You!

You Don’t Have To Work Harder And Longer To Get What You Want.

Reconnect to Your~SELF

About Candace

Here’s What I Know…

Each day we're faced with the constant demands of everyday life. It may be our families, work, community obligations or simply the ever changing world around us.

When we’re overwhelmed, tired, and emotionally spent, it’s easy for those little things to grow into major issues — adding yet even more unwanted stress or worse yet dis-ease to our lives.

It was my own journey with health and chronic pain that led me to my obsession with the mind-body connection intimately and it’s how I help my clients.

Whether they’re suffering from extreme burnout, wanting to rip their families heads off because they’re so stressed and overwhelmed, ready to throw in the towel and tell their boss off (Fun fact: I did that have the t-shirt to prove it 🤣), or just simply trying to figure out what’s going on underneath the pain.

Because I don’t believe that it’s a physical issue. I believe that it’s a direct manifestation from what's happening on the inside mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually.

I specialize in working with the subconscious mind to clear blocks, unhealthy habits, and limiting beliefs and release repressed or stuck emotions and painful old stories that can hold people back and make them sick.

I’m a certified Transformational Master Coach, Master Practitioner of Evolved NLP, Quantum Time Release, the Quantum Change Process, Body Talk, Access Consciousness, and Trauma Aware Transformational Coach.

I believe when we honour our own needs and desires first, we can show up as our best version and engage in life to our fullest potential and be our best SELF.

Just Like These Amazing Men & Women!

I would often feel a sense of dread in certain situations – that big knot in the pit of my stomach of feeling like I couldn’t breathe. I have learned new techniques and I am able to face these dreaded situations head on with little to no resistance. I am finally putting ME first and not feeling guilty about it.

By doing something for me, I am able to be better for everyone!


Saskatchewan, Canada

I cannot express enough how deeply grateful I am for the transformative journey I experienced with Candace. When I first approached her, I was drowning in darkness and despair, unable to cope with the weight of my emotions. I felt broken, lost, and on the verge of giving up entirely. It was an unbearable struggle to face each day, and I was haunted by thoughts of self-destruction.

Candace didn't shy away from the darkness; instead, she fearlessly guided me through it, helping me confront and acknowledge my emotions. She showed me that healing requires facing our pain head-on and allowed me to release the negativity that had been consuming me. It wasn't an easy process, but she was patient and supportive, creating a safe space for me to heal at my own pace.

Through our sessions, Candace taught me invaluable lessons about my subconscious and how it influences my thoughts and actions. She empowered me to identify and understand my triggers, enabling me to steer my thoughts towards a more positive direction. Allowing me to lift the heavy burden off my shoulders.

Candace's unwavering support and belief in me helped rebuild my shattered self-esteem. She helped me see my worth, celebrating my achievements and teaching me to be proud of who I am. With her help, I found the confidence to express myself honestly and stand by my words without fear.

Candace helped me turn my insecurities into passions, rekindling the spark for life within me. My days are no longer filled with dread; instead, I embrace each moment with excitement and joy. 

I now look forward to tomorrow, filled with a renewed passion for my work, my relationships, and life itself. Candace saved me from the brink, rescuing not only me but also my business and my family. Her impact on my life is immeasurable, and I can confidently say that she saved my life in more ways than one.

I wholeheartedly recommend reaching out to Candace. She has the gift of guiding you through the darkest of times, showing you the path to healing, self-discovery, and genuine happiness. Her friendship, guidance, and wisdom have turned my life around. Thank you, Candace, for everything you've done for me!


Housatonic, MA

Honour your Self with this gift of Self Love, Self Worth and Self Respect.

Know, in the depth of your Being, that when you put YOU first, you inspire all women and men around you (and actually give them permission) to do the same. ****read that again****


Q: What can I expect?

A: At a minimum you’ll walk away with: The ability to communicate better with others as you have the tools to better handle, accept and move on with situations that are not aligned with your higher purpose and the goals you have set and continue to set for yourself.  Also have the confidence to move forward when you’re not aligned with those decisions.

You will be implementing the tools that you’re taught through the breakthrough on a consistent basis to manage the thoughts in your mind.

You’ll have healthier connections with boundaries when it comes to relationships and both parties are able to be themselves and get their needs met. 

Q: Who is this for?

A: You must have a desire to heal from unresolved trauma and emotional issues.  You must be ready to show up for yourself and be wiling to put in the effort and you must be open to trusting the process and trying strategies or approaches that may seem new or different to you.  

Q: What is the total cost?

A: The total cost is $5,000 paid in full.  I can provide a personalized payment plan if needed. Total cost must be paid prior to the end of our time together.  

Q: What is your refund/cancellation policy?

A: All the work that we do is guaranteed, meaning you will receive the support and follow-up to ensure you get the results you wanted. I guarantee my work because my experience has shown me that my clients get results.

Committing To SELF is the first and most necessary STEP! let me guide you through the first step.