Regain Control, Emotional Balance, Motivation and Passion for the LIFE you’ve worked so hard to create!

Don't let your physical pain keep you from doing the things you love and living your best life!

Your physical environment is a manifestation of your beliefs, thoughts, and patterns. If you’re not seeing the results you desire it’s because there’s something within that’s out of alignment.

Are you ready to take a look?

Are you feeling like your life is out of sorts?

😞 Tired of trying to convince yourself that you're happy, when you're not

🤢 Sick of trying to figure out what’s wrong with you and trying to “fix” yourself

🤐 Do you brush your feelings off because you have a hard time expressing yourself

😤 Maybe you often feel angry and irritated inside and you do your best not to show it, so you usually bite your tongue

😵 You feel like you've tried EVERYTHING and NOTHING seems to work... Why does therapy seem to work for everyone else?


It's time to stop spinning your wheels. I can help you OVERCOME the problem with my unique set of coaching tools and multi dimensional techniques.

It's possible! I've done it for myself, my clients & you can do it too.

why work with me...

After being told at 38 years old that my only option to “partially fix” my intense back pain would be back surgery and pain meds, I chose to refuse to par-take in those options of treatment and began my exploration of the mind-body connection.

Not only did I heal myself physically but I healed myself on a deeper level mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I use the same principles along with my unique blend of modalities to coach my clients to become advocates for their health and create lives they LOVE.

Don't Take My Word For It!

I have been working with Candace since December 2020. I had never worked with a coach before and was unsure of what to expect.

Candace immediately made me feel at ease. She keeps it real 100% of the time. From group coaching calls to individual sessions, Candace has kept me on task. The accountability factor is huge for me. Knowing that she will not accept my long list of excuses makes my monthly goals attainable. In the past I would set the same goals and only ever achieve disappointment when I would once again fail to reach them. Candace has shown me how to not only set goals, but actually reach them.

I was not always the easiest person to be around (to put it mildly). There were times that my family didn’t know who they were going to get when they walked through the door. Snapping and losing my cool was a regular occurrence. Through hard work and lots of help from Candace, I now find that I can handle stressful situations and more often than not I am the voice of reason!

I would often feel a sense of dread in certain situations – that big knot in the pit of my stomach of feeling like I couldn’t breathe. I have learned new techniques and I am able to face these dreaded situations head on with little to no resistance. I am finally putting ME first and not feeling guilty about it. By doing something for me, I am able to be better for everyone!

J. B. (Canada)

Not sure where to start?

Let's chat and identify what would work best for you!

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